New and re-stocked miniature Dolls House accessories & Streets Ahead Dolls House Bare wood furniture have arrived.
New and re-stocked miniature Dolls House accessories & Streets Ahead Dolls House Bare wood furniture have arrived.
We stock 1:12th scale Dolls House Table & Chairs.
In Bare wood, painted White and Mahogany colour
Kitchen accessories plus complete layouts for miniaturists, hobbyists and collectors of Dolls house furnishings.
We stock Streets Ahead Dolls House Furniture & Dolls House Emporium furniture & accessories, Porcelain Dolls,miniature animals,doors & windows in our DIY section.
I have changed the delivery charges applied to orders. Most product prices are being reduced to reflect the way we now charge delivery of £3.00 per Customer Order.
I hope to be finished changing all of our product prices by the 15/09/2018.
Have a great weekend
All the best Lorraine.
Lots of Woven Turkish Carpets & materials suitable for 1:12th scale & 1:24th scale dolls House Soft Furnishings, have just been added to Heirloom Dolls Houses this week.
1:12th scale Woven Turkish Carpets
Lorraine x
I have just added a good assortment of Turkish woven Carpets, Rugs/Mats to Heirloom Dolls Houses.
They have a lovely silky feel to them and are actually woven.
The colours are vibrant and warm as you would expect from a Turkish Carpet : )
Lorraine x